Nigel Akkara

Have You Started Neglecting Covid 19? You are Doing Something Horrible

I have seen lately that a lot of people on the road are not wearing masks

Covid 19, the virus, the reason behind the global pandemic is still here. Hence, the fear of getting attacked by it is not over yet. However, due to its existence for quite a long time now, has made it something regular to people. But taking Covid 19 easy is deadly in all senses possible. We all have witnessed how it has killed thousands of people in different countries. To prevent this virus, we have to fight together and we must not continue making the mistakes mentioned below.

No Mask

I have seen lately that a lot of people on the road are not wearing masks. And those who are wearing masks, they are keeping them below their nostrils. You have to understand that a mask should cover your nostrils and your mouth as the virus can enter through these two areas of human body.

No Frequent Hand Washing

I remember the time when Covid 19 or Corona virus just broke out in our country. At that period, people were washing their hands for 20 seconds frequently with soap water, even when they were staying at home. But now I don’t find people doing the same. Please wash your hands with soap water and keep them clean.

Where is Your Sanitizer?

While entering restaurants and shopping malls and other public areas, we are getting offered with hand sanitizer. We are sanitizing our hands. But many of us are not carrying sanitizer bottles in pockets like we were doing earlier. Keeping our hands sanitized will not only keep Covid 19 away, but it will also eradicate other harmful bacteria from entering our body.

If you find anybody not following the new normal rules, please go ahead and tell them to practice the right measures. Write me back your own experiences on this topic.

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