Nigel Akkara

What is Discipline? Why is it Important?

If you go through the dictionary, you will find the collective meaning of the word “Discipline”. However, I think, the word finds different meanings from different people who practice it religiously.

I consider myself a disciplined man. To me, discipline is a set of positive habits that together, add meaning to each of my days. I never compromise with my habits and the timings fixed for them.

I wake up early each day and start getting things done. The most important thing I do every day, apart from exercising is to write my “to-do list”. I write down all the tasks of the day and strike them down one by one once I complete them accordingly.
I never skip my meals. Good food, I mean hygienic food is the fuel that lets me run throughout a day. Likewise, I maintain my sleep cycle pretty seriously. A solid 8 hours of sleep is mandatory for me to function every day.
But, before hitting the bed, I never forget to journal. This is a serious task for me as I register everything in it every day. The journal keeps a record of my active life and lets me get a self check done to get things done in a better way.
Sometimes, due to tight shooting schedules, my daily routine gets a bit scattered. But I try my best to maintain the same, for my betterment. If you are a disciplined person, then do not forget to share your thoughts with me in this regard.

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