My Quarantine Days- A Summary.

My Quarantine Days- A Summary.

Being the husband of my hardworking wife who’s working in a government hospital

How many days has it been? Pretty long, it seems. I don’t know how quarantine is working off with everyone but I’m pretty sure that it’s aslo getting the better of the situation. There has been demeaning of laws, of course and people are still on the run to the customary tea stalls where they break the morning in groups. This totally isn’t productive and certainly doing more harm than good in this serious situation.
The pandemic has entirely shaken the nation and has inscribed a scar on the face of humanity. But we are nurturing. We are travelling towards light and hopefully, there will be another day when the sun will shine bright on our heads soon.

Government’s Decision

The government’s decision to initiate a lockdown was the best form of healing anyone could go for in case of a disteressing pandemic like this. All we can do is wait and sit in our homes to spend time with our family and loved ones. The quarantine phase is getting the better out of the world. If you have a close look, you’d see that the pollution in the air has decreased a lot. Although the economic ground of nations have taken to discomfort, we are trying to cope up; this has prepared us with management skills. People who didn’t get to spend their times at home are now having a good time with their family, getting to know each other more; the birds are chirping more vividly in the air and the peace in the silence of a city has grown. One may feel melancholic as of a place that used to teem with people but are now barren as there’s no sign of traffic or passengers. Our Earth is on a break and yes, she’s healing. The greenery all around us is glooming to be more vibrant and lively than ever.

Being the husband of my hardworking wife who’s working in a government hospital. I did sign up for my role as a chauffeur/driver to drop her to the hospital. The workload they’re going through is beyond the mere scope of appreciation. Their work should be acknowledged all over the world.

Sacrifices Done

The medical staff including the doctors and nurses have done wonders in their aid to the victims of the propagated illness. Sacrificing their sleep, families back at home, they have ventured out to provide help to them and render their services efficiently. Besides, I have started assigning myself some of the daily household chores wherein working out has formed a major activity in the similar field. My wife and I are working together as a team during this quarantine.

Let’s hope that every citizen of our nation come together and stay united in this lockdown, by maintaining strict terms of social distancing. Dear reader, you should also listen to Michael Jackson’s “Heal The World” during the afternoon under the orange hued sky. Actually, I was listening to it while writing this out. There’s this lyric,
“Make it a better place,
For you & for me,
And the entire human race…”
and a tear streamed down my eyes.

So! Shall we work on building our motherland, Earth as the divine planet of the universe?
Let’s unite, people. Let’s stay strong!

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